A quiet room, pillows on the floor, and a few candles in the center of your circle are all you need.
Do not use candlesticks, use safe, fireproof containers.
If someone has a problem sitting on the floor, a couch or chair, or even lying on the floor is OK- however they are most comfortable.
Close your eyes, begin to calm your breathing, dropping your day.
When you are quiet and centered, begin the guided meditation.
After the meditation, people may share what happened for them.
Alternately, you could bring notebooks and write down some of the
major points that occurred for you and journal about them later.
Either way, or both, it is important to bring what you experience
into a more concrete form so you remember.
I love to conclude the evening with a healing circle. Sit in the circle,Bring in light through your crown chakra and channel it through your heart into the center of the circle. Place people or situations that need healing in the center bathing them in healing light.
At the end of the evening, say a prayer of thanks for all who attended and close the circle by blowing out the candles.